If the foundation of the Sankhala family relies on its unstinted support towards forest conservation, its core values-of empowering the local communities; building a sustainable ecosystem in the lodges; promoting tourism through a sensitized approach towards the forests and its inhabitants – are the solid pillars that support the foundation. Ensuring the safety of the guests, more so in these challenging times, becomes even more crucial, and therein lies the essence of how the promoters are continuously thinking of taking extra measures for their guests who are no less than family members for them.

Jai Singh Bhati: India’s Wildlife Prodigy

Already feted in international media as one of the youngest and most influential wildlife experts, 15-year-old Jaisal Singh Bhati, popularly known as Jai, was recently described by London’s Telegraph as ‘India’s 15-year-old answer to David Attenborough’. Jai is already the toast of TedTalks and has been featured in a host of globally-renowned documentaries and media reports.

Coming from a family of conservationists –Kailash Sankhala is his great-grandfather and Amit Sankhala, his uncle – Jai has committed himself to educate and people to the issues of tiger conservation, respect for the local tribes, and the overall eco-system of the jungle.

Homeschooled by his mother till he was ten years old, Jai is the modern-day, spiffy version of Rudyard Kipling’s ‘Mowgli’ and shares with his mother the passion and love for what most people call “creepy crawlies”. Together, they are working on a forthcoming book on the fascinating insects that they continue to discover in the jungles. Jai has been exploring the jungle tracks of Kanha since he was one-year-old. In 2019, he was featured in the Discovery Channel documentary, Tigerland, which details how four generations of the Sankhala family have contributed to tiger conservation.

(Watch his video on spiders below)


He’s the man who knows it and owns the jungles. Tarun is not only a mentor to his child Jai but to alot of naturalists and guests. You’ll be astounded at his knowledge and the personal interaction the guests share with him. He’s excited and child-like every time he spots a tiger even after being in the Jungle for decades.


When Dimple and Tarun married and settled in Kanha shortly after their marriage, over 20 years ago, they didn’t realize how their unwavering commitment would allow eco-tourism to shape so lovingly through Kanha Jungle Lodge. Her intense understanding of the jungle, documented not just the escapades of the tiger but also of the numerous varieties of birds, butterflies, insects, and foliage. While the couple has already published a handy booklet on the flowers and butterflies of Kahna, Dimple has also authored Recipes of Kanha Jungle Lodge, a book that documents some of the classic dishes served at the lodge.

Our People

If the foundation of the Sankhala family relies on its unstinted support towards forest conservation...


The Story for Conservation started in the Sankhala Family three generations ago...

Local Ethos

At Kanha Jungle Lodge, the Bhati family has cultivated friendships with many of the people...

Flora and Fauna

In the dense forests of Kanha Tiger Reserve, also known as Kanha-Kisli National Park, the mornings are magical...


An increasing focus for Kanha Jungle Lodge has been to promote farm to table food...

Life at Kanha

If peace and quiet is the new definition of luxury, it’s in abundance at Kanha Jungle Lodge...

Media Release